The digital millennium has put forth a new face for marketing tactics. As the world has evolved into a globalized, seamless tapestry of medium cultural influences, it is apparent that the modern-day marketers have to remain on their toes to succeed.
In an era where a majority of targeted age cohorts stay online for more than a couple hours every day, it is significant to utilize the digital media as a method of effective marketing for the millennial audience. So, in an attempt to help new businesses that qualify for small to medium-sized enterprises, we have compiled a list of digital marketing tactics to boost sales.
Grab a cup of coffee and some note-taking tools to get working on a new marketing strategy! We are sure that by the end of this article, you will have a few tricks up your sleeve to generate a higher volume of sales.
Social Media:
Social media plays a pivotal role in the spectrum of marketing and advertisement for new brands in the twenty-first century. Statistically speaking, 90.4% of millennials are very active on social media. As a leading portion of the intended consumers falls in the same age bracket, new startups and businesses must keep up with social media trends.
- Start with a strong social media presence.
The key to a successful social media marketing campaign is an active and authoritative presence on all relevant platforms. If you want your audience to feel the urge to purchase your goods, you should engage them in a meaningful conversation through your social media platforms. Ask your consumers about what they like and respond to their queries as soon as they come up. This will improve your customer service and double the number of sales you generate in a period of growth.
- Introduce a series of social media influencers.
Another straightforward method of making it big on social media is the incorporation of social media influencers in your latest marketing venture. Interest them in your business through a discount code. Ask them to become your voice for the initial time and gradually increase the number of influencers on your payroll as the brand expands—a case in point, Fashion Nova. The brand has a long list of influencers blatantly advertising it, such as Kylie Jenner, the brand has only considered the sky as its limit.
- Use a campaign for user-generated content.
User-generated content has become an exciting facet of social media marketing. It is the quickest way to generate user interest in the brand and helping people associate a positive image. It is one of the top-rated practices of encouraging organic sales. A prime example is the Starbuck’s campaign of drawing doodles on the white cup. Or Coca Cola’s campaign about sharing a bottle of Coke with friends. These brands may be the giants in their field, but smaller businesses with a more meaningful connection with their followers can generate a lot of benefits from such campaigns.
Search Engine Optimization:
Marking your territory on the top of the search engine results on Google, YouTube, and other search engines is indeed a successful technique. The coveted spots on the search engine results cannot be attained with random moves here and there. This is where the science of search engine optimization comes in to play.
- Begin blogging for your business.
Starting a blog to fascinate the attention of your following has been the oldest trick in the book. It is a creative method that helps in adding value to the lives of your viewers. The use of emotional rhetoric and meaningful storytelling through a blog can work wonders in acquiring a higher number of sales per month.
All you need is a dedicated writer who understands the vision you have for your company while also having a comprehensive understanding of the target audience. This is why many brands tend to have a blog about style and fashion to help people plan their outfits. Or, if you are a marketing venture, then signing up on Medium.com is like entering a cave of gold for you!
- Video content is the next big thing.
Fashion brands have been observed to be talking a lot of interest in YouTube videos and IGTV to help consumers realize the potential of their goods. One such brand is Skin Outfits. The brand sells genuine leather goods and has worked out a smart strategy of advertising their products through look-books on YouTube instead of investing dollars in the targeted advertisement cycle.
- Invest in quality SEO
In an attempt to reiterate the significance of search engine optimization, we would like to bring your attention to the fact that it is a science that is practiced by professionals. If you want to boost your sales, then the most significant investment of time and effort must be made in acquiring an SEO specialist to design an efficient strategy that doubles your sales and helps you project a better image for your followers. Remember, it is the reviews that matter to potential customers, and to get them, you need to strategize!
Well, we decided to reward our readers by offering a bonus trick. You can thank us later!
- Targeted advertisements through emails
Do you remember the old school flyers that would enter homes through newspapers and junk mail? Those flyers were mostly a waste of resources as the response rates were almost always a hit or miss. But when it comes to email marketing, it is a new ball game. It allows you to personalize your message and gather information about your customers’ patterns of consumption to improve the algorithm of your marketing mechanism.
Use ClickSquad
Click Squad is a a performance-based marketing agency that aims to create growth for our clients through the use of digital services.
Marketing is a dynamic field in the digital world where new trends come and go like the winds. In order to hold your ground, you need to be invested in the journey to achieve the outcomes! Also read menestystarinat.fi to learn more about digital marketing.