Creating Powerful Marketing Campaigns with an SEO Agency

With more people searching for information in cyberspace and the intense competition online, now is the best time to get serious about your digital marketing campaigns. Begin by having the right search engine optimization (SEO) partner to collaborate with. 

This blog post lists five ways you and an online marketing firm can work together to dominate the search engine results page (SERP), boost web traffic, increase your conversions, and generate higher revenues and cash flow.

5 SEO Marketing Ideas You Can Do with the Right Agency

Contrary to what others say, SEO is not dead. But it has changed dramatically over the last few years. In 2022 alone, search engines, especially Google, almost overhauled their content standards. The market has also changed partly because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

These mean two essential points:

  • Many of the SEO techniques you know may no longer apply today.
  • You should revamp your search optimization plan ASAP if you want to stay relevant. 

You can do that yourself. But if you want to speed up the process, avoid costly and irreparable mistakes, and reap the benefits of good digital marketing quickly, work with an SEO agency. 

Here are five ways you can achieve your SEO marketing goals together:

1. Audit the Plan

Auditing your SEO program helps answer some critical questions that will determine your next steps:

  • How did you do over the last quarter, six months, or year?
  • Has your market changed? If you are in the real estate business, who are buying properties these days? How do they find these houses or agents? 
  • Is your branding still relevant to the target market? 
  • Is your message still aligned with your brand?
  • Are your marketing goals the same? Perhaps you want to focus on increasing conversions within the next six months.
  • What do your metrics say about your performance? Are they within average in your industry? 
  • How are your competitors doing? What have been their strengths and weaknesses?

According to Digital Authority Partners (DAP), an SEO firm handles the technical auditing of the SEO plan. They can look into various aspects, such as:

  • Keywords
  • Competition
  • Content marketing
  • Site architecture
  • Link building strategies
  • Sitemaps
  • Meta tags
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs), such as bounce rate, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate
  • Local SEO 

You can use the audit report to correlate financial data or obtain a bigger picture of the overall health of your marketing strategies. 

2. Harness New SEO Tools and Techniques

From keyword suggestion to embedded analytics platforms, the Internet now offers dozens of SEO tools. But they are useless unless you know how to use them effectively. Worse, you might spend a lot of money on features that you do not really need. 

SEO agencies possess the knowledge, expertise, and money to:

  • Choose the most ideal tools in the market and invest on them
  • Maximize the features to ensure they can help create a powerful online marketing plan for your business
  • Test these platforms and see whether they are useful for your business
  • Train you to use or understand (or both) these applications

Besides these tools, the online marketing firm can also implement pivotal SEO techniques. These include:

  • Content silos and pillar pages to emphasize topical authority
  • Keyword gap analysis to identify terms or phrases you missed ranking on
  • Content repurpose to further increase its potential to increase web traffic and conversion
  • Semantic SEO to strengthen the relevancy of your copies to the chosen keywords

3. Improve the User Experience (UX)

Although search engines do not spill their ranking signals, user experience (UX) seems to be an open secret. It is not surprising given the following benefits:

  • When users are happy, they are more likely to use search engines often. 
  • In turn, the likes of Google and Bing can drive traffic to your pages, giving you plenty of chances to convert. 
  • If you are satisfied with your metrics, it might encourage you to invest more on search engine advertising services.

It is a win-win for everyone. 

But how can an SEO agency enhance UX in design and content? Let us say you are in the real estate business. The agency can help your website stand out with these ideas:

  • Optimize your site for mobile or local search, such as adding virtual tours on properties and neighborhoods and publishing local pages
  • Design a website according to the core web vitals, such as keeping page speed below three seconds and making the pages responsive to changes in screen orientations and mobile behaviors (e.g., swiping or scrolling)
  • Improve the above-the-fold content so that the most important information is immediately available to users

4. Optimize the Content to Meet Search Engine Guidelines

With the massive growth of misinformation and disinformation and the time people now spend on discovery, search engines have raised the bar on content. Google, for example, has released at least three massive updates in the last six months of 2022:

  • Helpful content, which tells marketers to create content for humans, not search engines
  • E-E-A-T, which now stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness 
  • Updates on spam, which can hurt pages engaged in unnatural linking strategies, including buying spots on link sites 

With an SEO partner, you can reformat or restructure various content types to meet these guidelines, depending on the industry you are in. Those in the real estate industry can consider these strategies:

  • Refresh old content to include new real estate data, such as laws, property prices, photos, and videos 
  • Add a bio or byline reflecting the author’s name as a way of stressing your experience and expertise.
  • Enhance the content structure through topical clusters or content silos for content relevance and better UX, such as sorting various pages according to location and property types.
  • Write credible copies with extensive references, source citations, and content types that include webinars and podcasts with well-known real estate experts, e-books, brand mentions in popular industry sites and publications, and white papers such as case studies
  • Create useful, unique local pages

5. Track and Measure Your SEO Performance

SEO has the power to bring your brand in front of your audience online, but it is not enough that you have indexed pages. They should work on your behalf, helping you achieve your digital marketing goals. In context to real estate SEO strategies, a well-structured Real Estate Drip Campaign can continually engage your audience, ensuring that the SEO efforts lead to tangible outcomes in lead nurturing and conversion.

Know whether you are hitting your objectives or staying competitive by tracking and measuring your SEO performance. While you can do this with several tools, such as Google Analytics, an online marketing agency can:

  • Add more nuance into the results, so you have a clearer picture on what is happening in your SEO efforts
  • Generate an understandable report that can guide you in the decision-making process
  • Craft an efficient analytics plan by prioritizing on the metrics that matter most in your niche and using automation to produce numbers in real-time

Summing Up

The best online marketing campaigns place SEO front and center of the plan. But succeeding in search optimization means working with someone who knows it well. 

The right SEO firm delivers results by staying updated with search engine guidelines, tracking your performance, consistently improving content quality and technical aspects, and enhancing UX. Most of all, it helps you design a comprehensive plan that meets your marketing goals.

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