8 Tips for Scaling Up Content Production While Maintaining Quality

Thousands of websites are publishing content daily and demand seems like it’s only going to rise in the future. To stay on top of their game, companies have to ramp up their content production. 

However, there’s a catch. Increasing quantity often means sacrificing quality. But with content marketing, that can’t happen. 

Even though you have to pump out content more frequently, you’ll still have to make sure that your posts are in tip-top shape, and that’s no easy feat.

This is why today, we will talk about how to scale up content productive day while maintaining quality. 

1. Assemble the Right Content Production Team 

Content production is not a one-man job. It involves marketing, designing, writing, and editing. 

That said, it’s best to hire people that specialize in each one of these tasks and work with a  custom web design company to maximize efficiency. 

The marketer will be responsible for doing the target audience and keyword research. This ensures that the content you’re creating is interesting to your audience while also making sure that it will be visible in the search engines. 

Writers do the topic research and create the content according to briefs and style guidelines. 

Designers are responsible for creating graphics or custom images that add more value to the content. They also create graphics for social media promotion.

Editors make sure that everything is in order. They check the content for any flaws, clarify sentences and ensure that the overall quality is up to the standards. In some cases, they’re also responsible for doing SEO tweaks and publishing the content. 

And finally, by working with a custom web development company, you’ll make sure that your website can handle the high number of posts and traffic you’ll get while also displaying your content, so it catches the users’ attention and reflects on your brand. 

2. Define Style and Quality Guidelines 

By defining your style and quality guidelines, you’ll make sure that all of your content fits with the voice and tone of your brand. 

With that said, when creating a content brief, specify the goal your content aims to accomplish. Different goals require different writing styles. 

You might want your content to be written in American or British English. It may have a formal or informal tone or address beginners rather than experts in a certain domain. 

Getting the style right is crucial for resonating with your audience and keeping it engaged. 

3. Create a Content Calendar 

Planning your content ahead of time is important for maintaining consistency. It helps you stay organized, eliminates the stress of coming up with new content at the last minute, and helps you keep track of your performance. All of which allow you to boost productivity while maintaining quality. 

Furthermore, a content calendar will also give you more time to think about your seasonal content marketing campaign. 

With that said, spend some time coming up with content ideas covering the next few months. Although this may seem daunting at first, you can always take some inspiration from your coworkers. 

Doing hashtag research on social media is a good idea as well. This will allow you to see what topics are trending within your niche. If you are not sure how to do this, find and follow on social media better marketing agencies and check their advice.

Besides noting down content ideas, you also need to point out exactly what each of your team members will be doing and when, as this will allow you to create a steady workflow. 

4. Create Outlines for Upcoming Posts 

After you’ve created the content calendar, it’s time to get to work on the posts themselves. For starters, you or your writers should create outlines for future content pieces. This can improve productivity in a few ways. 

Firstly, having a general outline can be faster than writing on a blank page. That’s because your writers will know exactly what they should talk about in the articles, lowering the chances of having to deal with writer’s block. 

Secondly, this will ensure that your posts will include all of the relevant information you want to discuss. This can be handy, especially if your writers are not experts on a certain topic. 

5. Don’t Go Cheap on Writers 

Although it may be tempting to work with lower-level writers while increasing production because it can save you quite a bit of money, keep in mind that content is what makes or breaks your entire strategy. 

With that said, focus on industry experts. But here’s the thing: they do not necessarily have to be writers necessarily. If you want to, say, write an article about Conversion Rate Optimization, you should work with someone who does CRO for a living instead of hiring a freelance writer. 

This will save you time that would otherwise have been spent on extensive research while also delivering a high-caliber post. 

However, if you’re on a limited budget, you should hire mid-level writers who are familiar with the topic as they strike a good balance between quality and price. 

6. Allow Guest Posts 

Speaking of being on a limited budget, a cost-effective way to increase your output while maintaining quality is by allowing guest posts. 

The internet is full of talented and knowledgeable writers who may write guest posts for you to share their thoughts, earn backlinks or build their reputation. 

Even more, it’s free. Or, you can even charge them for posting on your blog. So, it’s a win-win situation for both parties. 

Creating a “Write for Us” page is an easy way to invite qualified writers and industry enthusiasts to contribute with their ideas. 

But make sure to specify the style and quality guidelines so that these blogs will fit with the voice and tone of your brand. 

7. Repurpose Successful Content 

Repurposing high-performing pieces of content is a great way to scale production. What’s more, you can get a higher return on investment out of existing content. 

For example, you could turn your most popular blog post into a video. Chances are that the video will be as successful, if not more successful than your blog. 

Consequently, you’ll get to monetize the video and attract new potential customers to your business. 

However, when doing so, keep in mind to adjust the content based on the format you’re targeting. A 5,0000-word article may take quite a bit of time to read out loud. 

So, you might cut out a few ideas to make the video shorter and easier to digest. Or, perhaps you could leave the ideas as they are and turn the article into a podcast. 

8. Scale Content Promotion 

And finally, don’t forget about scaling your promotion as well. Many companies tend to get too focused on increasing the number of pieces of content they publish and neglect their promotion. This diminishes the effects of increasing content production. 

However, that doesn’t mean you should go overboard with the promotion either. If you were to publish content every day and promote it as you release it, you’d get to shorten the lifespan of your posts. 

In other words, you’ll need to find a sweet spot. With that said, you have to redefine your metrics and key performance indicators to serve as a benchmark in your new production objectives. 

Furthermore, you’ll also need to experiment with new marketing methods, track performance for weekly and monthly trends, analyze engagement levels, and adjust your promotion strategy based on these metrics.  

Final Words 

All in all, scaling up content production is not just a matter of publishing content more frequently. You’ll have to maintain the quality at the same time. Hopefully, this article gave you some useful tips on how to do so.

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